posted by myspicypasta on March 06/2016

Wooooooooooooow, I am so excited to be nominated for BLOGGER RECOGNITION AWARD  for the first time by Mallika afoodiehousewife . I strongly suggest you check out her blog it is amazing and she has a beautiful soul. For me,it is a great honor and privilege to be nominated it is one of my dreams coming true. This is going to make me work even harder and stronger. My excitement is over the roof and it is all because of Mallika, so again thank you so much.


  1. Create a blog thanking the blogger who nominated you and listing their site.
  2. Nominate few bloggers you follow and notify them.
  3. Share an experience that got you started blogging.
  4. Share a word of advice for fellow bloggers.

And as a token of my appreciation you are going to be my first nominee, so

  1. Mallika of afoodiehousewife
  2. Pansy of icecreammagazine
  3. Nikki awakenandbreathe
  4. cookingwithoutlimits
  5. Lara, Elena, and Eva leebakers

How did I start my blog

well, I started my blog myspicypasta in October of 2016. I am originally from Ethiopia, so I know Ethiopian cuisine, now I live in Italy and am assistant cook, so I know a little bit of Italian cuisine. So at home I cook a little bit of Italian and a little bit of Ethiopian. Then it occurs to me that the flavor I am getting  is delicious. The pasta dishes from Italy and the spices from Ethiopia ( we use a lot of spices in our dishes), actually the name of my blog came from the idea that the pasta is going to be spicy ( my spicy pasta).  I said this is new and good really really good, so I started my journey with myspicypasta.

A word of advice for fellow bloggers

  • Like every thing in life, if you want your blog to grow and succeed, you need to take good care of it. Water it like a little plant every single day. And you will see that it will blossom, you will not be disappointed. Just taking good care of your blog.
  • Learn to take appetizing photos ( which I am still struggling to do)
  • Get involved with the blogging community, It will give you a sense of oneness.

For those of you who accept this nomination…

  1. Create a blog thanking the blogger who nominated you and listing their site.
  2. Nominate few bloggers you follow and notify them.
  3. Share an experience that got you started blogging.
  4. Share a word of advice for fellow bloggers.

Author: myspicypasta

I'm Hirut, originally from Ethiopia and now living in Italy. I'm a happily married, a mother of two and professional assistant cook.


  1. Extremely heart-warming to see this post at the end of a tiring day! 🙂 Thankyou so much for the kind words Hirut and I wish you and your lovely blog ample of success in the coming times. Thanx for the nomination as well. All the very best and keep rocking! xx

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